Our Mission

As the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, we witness boldly by living faithfully and serving joyfully.

Delighting in the steadfast love of God, we use the fullness of our gifts, our time and our resources in serving one another and the world. Nurtured by Word and Sacraments, we grow in community, prayer and the study of scripture. We practice our faithfulness as we engage culture and systems of power, serving as catalysts for God’s new creation.

Our Vision

To be One in the body of Christ where God’s transforming love is shared with All.

Through baptism, we are made one in the body of Christ where all are valued and gifted. We are drawn outward to share Jesus’ message to embody God’s love which renews us as people of peace, hope and joy.

Our Core Values


We express and explore our faith by engaging in purposeful, spiritual worship that integrates dynamic use of liturgy, music and learning.


We share abundantly our God-given resources, time and talents with each other and with those in need in our local and global communities.


We accompany all with understanding and kindness, especially those who are suffering, marginalized or alone.


We welcome everyone in fellowship and actively join with others in caring for our world.


We seek to fulfill the Lord’s command to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)

Our 2022 - 2025 Strategic Objectives

Invest in Children, Youth & Families

Evolve our shard Children, Youth & Family ministry with St. Philip’s to nurture spiritual practices in the faith formation of children and youth that will carry them into adulthood.

Expand Outreach Ministry

Deepen congregational involvement in loving and serving our neighbors, and facilitate financial support for our outreach initiatives.

Sustain Ministry Excellence

Develop and support our lay leaders, including those already serving, those ready to explore new roles and those new to our church family.

Maintain Physical Infrastructure

Support our ministry goals by providing for the ongoing maintenance, improvement and replacement of our church facilities and technology infrastructure.

The entire 2022 - 2025 LCGS Strategic Plan, including specific strategic goals, measures and target completion dates can be found on the member page.