As the
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
we witness boldly
by living faithfully and serving joyfully.
A new Adult Education series on the history of female clergy in the ELCA starts Sunday, January 19th. Visit our Christian Education page for more information.
8:00 a.m. Contemplative Worship with Holy Communion
This service makes room for silence to reflect on the scripture readings, sermon, and prayer. Songs are short, repetitive Taizé style sung a cappella. Come and experience a smaller worshiping community that gives you the chance to recharge your batteries for the week ahead.
10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion
This service embodies the full complement of weekly readings and liturgy and features a robust chancel choir under the dynamic leadership of Minister of Music Dr. David Gresham, who is also a professor at Brevard College. Holy communion is celebrated weekly. Come and experience this vibrant encounter with the risen Lord in word and sacrament. The 10:30 service is live streamed and recorded on the LCGS YouTube channel, a link to which can be found here.
Coffee & Conversation fellowship follows each service. Join us to catch up with old friends and make new ones!
Childcare is available in the Education Wing during the 10:30 service each Sunday. Children’s worship bags are also available in the narthex for use during worship services.