As the
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
we witness boldly
by living faithfully and serving joyfully.
The full schedule of Good Shepherd’s Lenten activities and worship services can be found on the “Lent 2025” page.
The schedule for the 2025 “Threads of History: Exploring Culture and Faith” series - which includes both the Brevard Interfaith Speaker Series and Explorations on Jewish History and Culture series - has been set. Details are available here.
8:00 a.m. Contemplative Worship with Holy Communion
This service makes room for silence to reflect on the scripture readings, sermon, and prayer. Songs are short, repetitive Taizé style sung a cappella. Come and experience a smaller worshiping community that gives you the chance to recharge your batteries for the week ahead.
10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion
This service embodies the full complement of weekly readings and liturgy and features a robust chancel choir under the dynamic leadership of Minister of Music Dr. David Gresham, who is also a professor at Brevard College. Holy communion is celebrated weekly. Come and experience this vibrant encounter with the risen Lord in word and sacrament. The 10:30 service is live streamed and recorded on the LCGS YouTube channel, a link to which can be found here.
Coffee & Conversation fellowship follows each service. Join us to catch up with old friends and make new ones!
Childcare is available in the Education Wing during the 10:30 service each Sunday. Children’s worship bags are also available in the narthex for use during worship services.