Worship with Us
We welcome you to worship…
8:00 a.m. Contemplative Worship with Holy Communion
This service makes room for silence to reflect on the scripture readings, sermon, and prayer. Songs are short, repetitive Taizé style sung a cappella. Come and experience a smaller worshiping community that gives you the chance to recharge your batteries for the week ahead.
10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion
This service embodies the full complement of weekly readings and liturgy, and features a robust chancel choir under the dynamic leadership of Minister of Music Dr. David Gresham, who is also a professor at Brevard College. Holy Communion is celebrated weekly. Come and experience this vibrant encounter with the risen Lord in word and sacrament.
Sundays in January
January 5: 2 Christmas, Text: John 1: 1-18
John the Baptist’s role was to testify – to bear witness – to the light. Such is how we understand the witness of all the baptized; that is, to let our light shine in the world so that all might believe. In this time of making (and breaking…) resolutions, what might it look like for us to resolve to let the light of Christ shine more and more brightly through us?
January 12: Baptism of our Lord, Text: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
The pronouncement from heaven at Jesus’ baptism was that with Him, God was “well pleased.” How God looks upon us in baptism and how we look upon others in our lives has a profound impact.
January 19: 2 Epiphany, Text: John 2: 1-11
God is no cheapskate! The wedding steward is shocked when he tastes the wine Jesus procured with His blessing. It is not inferior, convenience store chardonnay. This is the good stuff! God is revealed as one who pulls out all the stops, who spares no expense in bringing joy to our festivities. How might we do likewise in the gatherings we attend? We welcome the Rev. Linea Warmke to the pulpit this Sunday.
January 26: 3 Epiphany, Text: Luke 4: 14-21
Jesus reads the scriptures in the midst of His hometown synagogue and His purpose is crystallized. Yet His message and actions get Him into hot water very quickly with His neighbors.