Worship with Us

We welcome you to worship…

8:00 a.m. Contemplative Worship with Holy Communion

This service makes room for silence to reflect on the scripture readings, sermon, and prayer.  Songs are short, repetitive Taizé style sung a cappella.  Come and experience a smaller worshiping community that gives you the chance to recharge your batteries for the week ahead. 

10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

This service embodies the full complement of weekly readings and liturgy, and features a robust chancel choir under the dynamic leadership of Minister of Music Dr. David Gresham, who is also a professor at Brevard College.    Holy Communion is celebrated weekly.  Come and experience this vibrant encounter with the risen Lord in word and sacrament. 

Sundays in February

February 2:  4 Epiphany; Text:  1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

 Paul’s words about love are a frequently used text for weddings, but they were meant for a church that was filled with turmoil to encourage people to stop competing and focus on serving one another.  How might our church hear these words with fresh ears, and to what effect?  We welcome the choir back from their winter break today!

February 9:  5 Epiphany; Text:  Luke 5: 1-11 

Deeper and deeper…  First, Jesus just wants you to use your little fishing boat as His seat from which to teach.  Then He wants you to put out a little deeper for a catch.  The next thing you know, you’re hooked!  What’s your story of how Jesus found you and called you into His service?

February 16:  6 Epiphany; Text:  Luke 6: 17-26

Note:  Healing Prayer will be offered following each worship service this Sunday.

Jesus offers both blessings and woes in His teachings to the disciples.  But a woe is not the same as a curse.  A woe is a warning.  Think of the times a woe was extremely helpful to you in your journey and saved you a lot of heartache.  Just as Jesus’ healing ministry was for all, so is His teaching to benefit the poor and the wealthy.  We welcome Children, Youth & Family Minister Abby Glass to the pulpit today!

February 23:  7 Epiphany; Text:  Luke 6: 27-38

Jesus teaches about treating others with dignity, even when they don’t deserve it.  He talks about what we have come to know as “The Golden Rule” – treating others how we ourselves want to be treated.  What is at the heart of His teaching?  Being toward others the way God is toward us.  The Rev. Shelly Webb, Executive Director of Sharing House, joins us as preacher and presider at both services this morning.