Christian Education

“It is He whom we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” — Colossians 1:28

Our goal is to be growing and maturing in Christ our whole life long, from the pregnant mother reading Bible stories to the child in her womb to the person in their 90’s saying, “I still have so many questions!” We value authentic inquiry at every age.


We don’t want you to park your brain at the door - we want you to bring it to church! Questions are enthusiastically welcomed. And we don’t always have the answers. But we can learn together.

Bible studies and other adult education opportunities are offered throughout the year; details are added for upcoming events as they become available.

New Adult Education Series: What is the History of Female Pastors in the ELCA?

Beginning Sunday, January 19th, Bill Moore will host a 5-week adult education series on the history of allowing and authorizing women to serve as clergy in our Lutheran denomination and its predecessors, as voted on in 1970. The discussions will take place each Sunday morning from 9:00 - 10:00 in the church Conference Room.

Throughout the course, participants will review and discuss specific documents that tell the story, show the anti/pro arguments, and report dramatic experiences of individual women. Materials (to be provided) come from a 5-year celebration of the positive vote. In addition, several women from our congregation who have been clergy in the ELCA or other denominations will provide their perspectives. The 5 sessions will follow the following topics through history:

  • January 19: A Movement & Debate Prior to the Vote

  • January 26: Consideration of Passages from the Bible

  • February 2: The ELCA Vote & Some Broader Comparisons

  • February 9: After the Vote, Rough & Productive Times

  • February 16: Experience of Our Female Clergy Members

    Please contact Bill through the church office for additional information.


During the school year, all children ages 4 through the 5th grade are invited to join us for Godly Plan during the 10:30 service each Sunday morning during the school year. Godly Play is a Montessori-based approach to helping children explore their faith through story, wonder and play. Parents can drop off their children as they go into church and the storyteller brings the children into the service at the passing of the peace so the family can participate in Holy Communion together.

Childcare is also available in the Education Wing during the 10:30 service, and children’s worship bags are available in the narthex for using during worship services.


Our youth ministry - known as “CrossTown” - is made up of students in the 4th through 12th grades from Good Shepherd Lutheran, St. Philip’s Episcopal, First United Methodist and Bethel “A” Baptist churches. We strive to provide a safe space for our students to learn, worship and play as they develop their own faith lives. During the school year, we meet regularly on Sunday evenings, rotating weekly between the churches. 5ll 4th through 12th grade students are invited to join us for these times of learning and fellowship.

Contact Children, Youth & Family Minister Abby Glass at for more information on all children and youth-related activities.

After School Art Program for Middle School Students

All 6th through 8th graders are invited to join us at Good Shepherd on the first Wednesday of each month for an art project led by a member of the Transylvania Community Arts Council. Students are welcome to come to Good Shepherd right after school and stay until 5:00 p.m. All snacks and art supplies are provided. Note that each participant must have a parent or guardian complete this form. You are welcome to invite your friends!

Confirmation Plans

Good Shepherd is partnering with St. Philip’s Episcopal on an exciting new approach to preparing our youth in grades 6 through 12 for the rite of “Affirmation of Baptism” also known as “Confirmation.” The details of the self-paced program can be found here, and the “Sermon Notes” form is available here.