Memorial Gifts
The Memorial Gifts team efforts support our belief that the memory of our departed may be served by living memorials. Team members oversee the management and administration of memorial gifts from a designated gifts fund.
Memorial Garden
Memorial Garden team members oversee the use, operation and maintenance of the LCGS Memorial Garden and Cinerarium under the leadership of Lorel Durlak.
Our “Gifts in Action” team works closely with the LCGS Staff, Congregation Council, Ministry Teams/Committees and volunteers to ensure the best possible match between member gifts, skills and talents and the needs of the congregation and community. See Ministries at Good Shepherd and in Transylvania County for more information. Use the Gifts in Action Questionnaire to see where you could benefit the church and/or community. Then contact the church office to connect with a Gifts in Action team member.
Fellowship, under the leadership of Caroline Smith, seeks to provide means for the expression of Christian love, support and community within LCGS by sponsoring regular fellowship, fundraising and social activities in coordination with other ministry teams.
World & Community
World & Community seeks, creates and proposes educational, spiritual and fundraising activities designed to connect faith and life for our congregation and respond to the human needs of our neighbors both locally and worldwide. This team, which includes several sub-groups including the Quilters for Lutheran World Relief and the Road Warriors (our official Adopt-A-Highway team) is led by Sharon Roberts. See Outreach Ministries for more information.
This team strives to foster growth and understanding of the full concept of Christian stewardship in response to God’s grace, including time, talent and financial resources. Stewardship is responsible for providing an ongoing program that encourages giving to the work of the LCGS congregation, as well as the wider ELCA church.
Mission Endowment Fund
The LCGS Mission Endowment Fund (MEF) was created in 1996 from a bequest given by a member whose only request was that the money be used to help people in need. It is a perpetual fund that continues to receive new bequests and other gifts each year. Grant funding is derived from earnings on these investments. Applications for grants must be submitted by January 31 of the year in which the grants are to be funded. These grants are offered to local and global ministries and charities under the careful management and administration of the MEF team led by Mike Anderson. The Mission Endowment Fund grant application form can be found here.
Mutual Ministry
The Mutual Ministry team affirms, supports and strengthens the LCGS Vision and Mission, as well as the ministry of the Pastor and staff members by acting as liaison between the congregation, the Pastor and staff members.
The Finance Committee, under the leadership of Lorel Durlak, is responsible for preparing a proposed budget for the Congregation Council each year; overseeing the efforts of the LCGS Treasurer, Financial Secretary and teller team; and coordinating activities with the Stewardship team.
Our dedicated Carpenters assure that the physical means for worship, Christian education and fellowship take place in the best manner possible by maintaining our building and grounds in good condition.