The 2025 Stewardship Appeal kicked off on September 27th with the theme “Build a Longer Table” derived from a hymn of the same name.  We have so much for which to be thankful!  Looking to the year ahead, we are excited about the opportunities that abound to live out more fully the Core Values we share at Good Shepherd. 

Note that given the widespread impacts from the recent storm, the schedule for the appeal has been shifted forward by about a week from that detailed in the introductory letter mailed to homes on September 27th.  On Sundays October 13th, 20th and 27th, we will focus on our Core Values of doing Justice, expressing Compassion, and living in Community.  During our worship services, we will hear the witness of members who are excited to be part of a church that expresses these values.  On October 20th, we will also have a special speaker following the 10:30 a.m. service.  Stephanie Burke, a Regional Gift Planner with the ELCA, will share ways in which we may leave a legacy through planned giving to the ministries and agencies we support (please see the separate article on this).  On November 3rd, we will celebrate Commitment Sunday as we submit our statements of intent for the coming year, followed by a celebratory “Thank-toberfest” meal after the 10:30 a.m. service. 

More information will be provided in the coming weeks about how we plan to build a longer table to help us more effectively support our local ministry partners through a percentage of our total annual budget.  You will also see a preliminary 2025 budget prior to being asked to complete your statement of intent. 

We are excited about all that God has in mind for us to reach out in love and service to our neighbors and look forward to building onto the strong foundation set by those who came before us. 

Serving joyfully together,

The Stewardship Team

Thanks to Sue Barrett for kicking off a series of three Temple Talks about living out more fully the Core Values we share at Good Shepherd. Sue spoke on Sunday, October 10th on our Core Value of Justice, as “we seek to fulfill the Lord’s command to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).”   If you missed it, a recording of Sue’s Temple Talk can be viewed here.